Sign of Wisdom and Intelligence

Posted on: Sunday, January 11, 2015

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If somebody says something bad, you keep thinking about it over and over again in your mind, and become restless – He did this, and that person betrayed me. But see, they only acted in accordance with their nature! One whose nature is to betray, will betray. What else will they do?

Now by thinking about, why he did this, and why he did that to you, will only spoil your own mind. This is not a sign of intelligence.
Do you know what a sign of wisdom and intelligence is? A true sign of wisdom is realizing that good events come and go, bad events come and go, and as we move on, we come out even more beautiful from these happenings. We blossom even more.

We need to stay in touch with this consciousness and keep it alive within us. Never lose your smile for anything, never let your enthusiasm come down, just keep moving ahead.

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