A Hollow and Empty Flute

Posted on: Monday, February 23, 2015

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You know, a flute can be used to play music and also to beat and chase someone away (laughter). Our life, our own body is like a flute. When we drop all negativity, cravings and aversions and become hollow and empty from within, then consciousness dawns and blossoms within us and we no longer need to be shown a stick (meaning: with the dawn of awareness one naturally walks the path of righteousness and does not need to be punished).

If there is some mud or dirt stuck inside the flute, then it does not produce a melodious sound. In order to produce melodious notes, a flute has to be clean and pure from the inside just as it is clean and shiny from the outside. A flute has to be hollow and empty to be able to produce harmony.

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