Being in the Moment

Posted on: Saturday, March 21, 2015

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We need both a civilized behavior and an informal atmosphere. If you are too informal then you push and pull and go over others. This may appear very rude to some people.

In Asia, it is a problem. People feel so much at home that they don’t see who is sitting in front and they go all the way above them. If you come from another culture, it would appear very rude and uncivilized. But, here there is a sense of belongingness. At the same time, in some cultures they are so strict and disciplined and want everything to be perfect that they cannot tolerate small things going wrong. It throws one off balance and the mind gets so muddled. We have to get out of that mindset as well. We have to feel at home and be in the moment.

If something happened in the morning, there is no need to carry it in our minds all day. The incident or event happened and it is over. Somebody jumped a queue or someone sat where you had planned to sit, or things didn’t happen on time, all these things can upset you for a long time. You have two choices, either get so up-tight and unhappy about how things don’t happen on time, or you see the present moment as inevitable and do your best and keep smiling.Suppose you’re stuck in traffic, you have two options, get frustrated and unhappy or sing!

The whole of life is an education for oneself and for others. Every event educates us and something good comes out of every event. Taking life easy with sincerity, and commitment to your goal is the Art of Living.​

Wishing You All a Happy Ugadi | Gudi Padwa | Cheti Chand

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