Students are in Abundance, Disciples are a Few, But the Devotees are Rare

Posted on: Sunday, March 15, 2015

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It is nothing great to become God or be God. Whether you want or not, all are already Gods. A stone is also a God. You are also a God. Everything is God, God is already there, but it is great to become a devotee. Do you see this? Everything, whether you want it or not, is already God, but the love, devotion, has flowered somewhere. Where the devotion has flowered totally, the flower has blossomed, that is a devotee. Attraction is everywhere, love is somewhere, but devotion is again rare. Devotion is very beautiful. A student comes to a Master, Teacher, and Guru with tears in his eyes. There are so many problems, and when he leaves, he is carrying the same tears, but the quality of the tears is different, it is of gratitude. Still tears flow, but those are of gratitude, of love; it is so beautiful to cry in love.

One, who has cried even once in love, knows the taste of it, of surrender and of devotion and the entire creation rejoices it. The entire creation is longing for only one thing, the transformed tears, from salty tears to sweet tears.

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