Are There Other Beings on Other Planets?

Posted on: Monday, June 15, 2015

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I cannot say no because this universe is so unfathomable. It is so vast. How can anybody say that there are no beings elsewhere. If somebody says so then they are completely unscientific.

Of course there are other beings. There are different levels of existence. Our brain is nothing but a frequency analyzer. Therefore we know only some things. There are many things hidden right here, now which you are not aware of. And if you want to know more about it then you can go deeper and study consciousness.

It is an amazing and thrilling experience every time you go deeper. For that you need to be free of things that bother you here - like your profession, your daughter, your money, your bills, your rent, the opinion of others.

All these worries and preoccupations in your mind are a hindrance to going into that depth. When you are completely satisfied with everything here then you can have easy access (to that deep state).

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